Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is Biztalk

Biztalk is an advanced integration tool which is developed by Microsoft. There are 7000 Biztalk customers all over the world. %90 percent of Companies use Biztalk which in Fortune Global 100. Up till now Microsoft has published 5 Biztalk versions. These are 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2006 r2. You can make a lot of things with Biztalk. For example advanced file transfer, Dynamic Data integration with WCF, ERP integration, RFID communication and using other .net framework libraries.

How does it work ?
There are two different function of Biztalk. Firstly, it moves data like “conveyor band”. It accept different file format for data transfer. It can transfer all kind of data to xml. After the data operations, it can be create xml result. Secondly, Other Biztalk function is an orchestration. Orchestration is a workflow diagram. We can see the big picture and Biztalk architecture at below.

Message :

Every type of file which is sent to Biztalk is considered a “Message”. It can be xml file and text file and even an email.

Receive Port :
Messagges are received from Receive Port. Every Receive Port must have a Receive Location. Receive port is a logical item on the Biztalk Architecture. But receive location states real address which is taken data. For example when a receive location which states address of c:\test\In\*.xml connect to a Receive Port, this folder is started to listen by Biztalk. When a certain xml file copy to folder Receive Port takes it and forward an Orchestration or if available another subscription.

MessageBox :
It represents Database. All the files which is input and output are saved to MessageBox(default configuration name is BizTalkMsgBoxDb).

Send Port :
When operations are complete messages can be sent to Send port.

Orchestration :
An Orchestration is the most glamorous feature of the Biztalk. Orchestrations are programmable by graphical and they can execute a script. We can define and design all workflow at an orchestration. All these operation can operate via Microsoft Visual Studio.


  1. clear beginning...thanks

  2. a well organized introduction, go on.

  3. Dear Murat, thanks for this well organized introduction.
